
Workshop: The socio (legal) study of migration in Morocco

26 oktober 2022
Alle informatie is te vinden op de Engelse pagina. 

School of Democracy: Engaging with Politics

06 september 2022
  Are you a young adult with an interest in politics and democracy, with a hunger to expand your n...

Two post-doc positions available at NIMAR and Leiden University

22 juli 2022
The Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University invites applications for five two-year full-time post...

Eid Mubarak

08 juli 2022
NIMAR wishes you Eid Mubarak and would like to inform you that the institute will be closed for the ...

Children of Al Andalus: a lost paradise in Morocco

07 juni 2022
De eerste vertoning van de film "Children of Al Andalus: a lost paradise in Morocco" in Marokko. Mee...

Marokkaans-Nederlandse auteurs op de boekenbeurs (SIEL 2022)

07 juni 2022
In het kader van de reeks "Nouvelles de la littérature marocaine de l'immigration" organiseert het I...