

student about her experiences of the Nimar-Minor:
Bathroom ritualsOne of the things I first thought when we got our briefing about the trip to Skoura was: 'I'll never survive there!'. The teachers informed us about the area, the do's and don’ts and v...


student about her experiences of the Nimar-Minor:
Minor in Morocco and... Moroccan food (mekla meghribiya)“What are you going to do in Morocco?”, some friends asked me before I went. “Studying and doing fieldwork research. Hopefully learn Moroccan Ar...


student about her experiences of the Nimar-Minor:
Feeling accustomed to the life in RabatDiscovering RabatAs this was our second week at the Nimar, this really meant we were still getting used to everything. By now I think everyone at the Nimar has g...


student about his experiences of the Nimar-Minor:
My first weekZen momentThis week has been in so far remarkable as in that I discovered the hamam in the medina of Rabat. I decided to go at least once every two weeks because it is so nice, relaxing b...


student about her experiences of the Nimar-Minor:
Living la vida local After spending twenty four hours in the rambunctious city of Marrakech, I took a train to Rabat, hoping to escape the sweltering heat that I had experienced while spending time in...


student about her experiences of the Nimar-Minor:
First Wednesday in RabatWe didn’t have to get up early this first Wednesday morning, since we only had to start at 1 pm at Nimar. From our home (dar) in Hassan, Sophia, Manar and I walked for about 15...

Niels Beijer

student of Arabic about living in a Moroccan family
A warm home and insight into the traditional Moroccan lifestyleDuring my semester at the NIMAR I lived with a Moroccan family in their home in the heart of the old Medina of Rabat. The time I spent in...

Souhaib Ben Kchouch

student about his experiences in Rabat:
A Semester Abroad in a Forgotten CapitalSouhaib Ben Kchouh 12 February 2016 A Semester Abroad in a Forgotten Capital The aim of this exchange report is to familiarise future exchange students with my ...